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Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
(in Polish: Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnik�w im. Kopernika) was founded in 1875 and is one of the oldest scientific societies in Poland. The constituent meeting of Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists was held on the 17th January 1875 in Lviv (in Polish: Lw�w). Professors of Lviv universities were initiators and founders of the Society. The first President was Feliks (Szcz�sny) Kreutz, Professor of mineralogy.

Currently, the President is Prof. El�bieta Pyza and Vice-Presidents are Prof. Bronis�aw Cymborowski and Prof. Jerzy Vetulani.

The main aim of the association is to promote achievements of natural sciences, including research and by organizing lectures, conferences and publishing two journals. The Society publishes:
„Kosmos. Problemy Nauk Biologicznych” (the title in translation into English: „Cosmos. Problems of Biological Sciences ”), from 1876 and
„Wszech�wiat. Pismo Przyrodnicze” (the title in translation into English: „The Universe. Magazine of Nature”), since 1882.

The Main Board is located in Cracow (in Polish: Krak�w). There are also five local branches (in Krak�w, ��d�, Wroc�aw, Lublin and Szczecin), and three specialized sections nationwide:

1) Section of Speleology (Sekcja Speleologiczna)
2) Section of Biology Education (Sekcja Dydaktyki Biologii)
3) Section of Human Biology (Sekcja Nauk o Cz�owieku, Sekcja Biologii Cz�owieka).

The Society is a �non-profit� organization. Members of the Society perform their duties honorably and our activity relies on grants and donations.

Contact to the Main Board.

Contact to local branches.

Contact to thematic sections.

Tydzie� m�zgu
